
You Belong Here


And the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13:13


is the love of God operating in the human heart

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Welcome to Love 101 Ministries! You’re here because, like us, you believe the world needs love more than ever. And maybe, you’re looking for more love in your own life too.

You’ve found the right place. Love is both our purpose and our practice.

No matter where you are on your journey, these truths hold: You are loved. You are perfectly imperfect. Love can be challenging. You’ve likely experienced hurt and made mistakes, but there is grace and space for all of that—and all of you—here.

If you’re ready to open your heart, get grounded in love, and transform from the inside out, this community was created with you in mind. Explore our site, schedule a complimentary introductory spiritual direction session with Jasmine, check out our podcast **The Call to Love Experience**, and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.

Love is who we are. Keep scrolling to learn more about Love 101 Ministries.


Dedicated to the Theology & Practice of Love

Love 101 Ministries is a community where faith is our foundation, love is our practice, spiritual growth is our goal, and a life filled with love is our ultimate desire.

Here, loving God, ourselves, our neighbors, and even our enemies goes beyond mere theory. We endeavor to put these words into practice.  We’re not just seeking warm and fuzzy feelings; we’re embracing a powerful approach to life. We know it’s not easy—whether in romantic, familial, friendship, or professional relationships, challenges are inevitable.

By cultivating a practice of love, we develop the inner strength to navigate all our relationships with wisdom, compassion, and grace. As we continue to practice, love becomes our habit.

Why do we do this? So we can embody peace and joy, becoming vessels of the abundant love that surrounds us.

Meet Jasmine Bellamy, our founder and your trusted guide on this journey.

Meet Your Guide

Love Scholar-Practitioner. Spiritual Director. Joyful Disruptor. Business & Culture Transformer. Loving Leader.

“Ma vocation est l’amour” (“My vocation is love.”) -St. Thérèse de Lisieux

As the Founder and Spiritual Director of Love 101 Ministries, I am dedicated to helping individuals foster more loving relationships with themselves, God, and others. Through examining the theology and cultivating the daily practice of love, I serve as a spiritual companion, guiding you on a path to a life filled with deep and abiding love, peace, and joy. I view life through this lens, believing that the spiritual journey shapes us to become more like Love and to discover our truest selves.

This is your invitation to embark on a beautiful journey. May we draw closer to the heart of God, together.

With love,


Media & Services


Engage with Jasmine one-to-one in spirtual direction, in a communal practice, or experience her dynamic keynotes or contemplative preaching.

Spiritual Direction

A certified Spiritual Director, Jasmine is a companion to those seeking to become more attuned to God’s presence in their lives.

The Podcast

Experience our communal practice via podcast as we Listen-Engage-Reflect on the theology and practice of Love. 


Speaker Inquiry

Jasmine is keynote speaker and contemplative preacher. Email us with details about your organization and event. 


“Thank you for being faithful to your calling. You minister with so much peace it really gives God room to move in the hearts of people.”

Pastor Michelle Mancha

“What a refreshing rain; filled with real talk about love. Beautifully designed and food for the spirit, as well as the soul.”

Malissa Redmond

“Incredible… thank you for allowing me in your intimate space, your inner most thoughts, your throbbing heart that has harmoniously invited tranquility to dwell. Each post takes on a life of its own because the receiver is able to self reflect and move with a sense of purpose.  Simply powerful. ❤️”

Sonya Fiol-Grant

“I love that the message always seems to be what I need to read each morning. Gives me a little boost each day and instills a sense of gratitude. I love it!”

Brooke Dean

“I wanted to let you know how inspiring Love 101 Ministries is. In a time with so much negativity it is refreshing to see truth, beauty, and goodness. Furthermore, God is clearly at the beginning, end, and middle of all you post. You are gifted.”

Kimberlee Comrie

“Your posts are challenging people, even if they remain anonymous, to be more introspective—more aware, more intentional, and more connected to themselves, to God, and to others. You’re sowing the seeds—good seeds—and that’s what matters most.”

Katrina Patterson

“It is a process because I’m having my mind renewed by allowing new (and truthful) thoughts and experiences to enter my mind….Such new, healthy thinking leads to a transformative life… Thus, when applied can become healing to every area of my life: physically as well as spiritually.. It is a journey worth taking….”


Love 101: The Blog



A Collection Of Tools & Resources To Guide You


A curation of special items we love that have been a blessing along the journey.  


A 40 Day Lenten Love Practice

The Lenten Love Practice is an invitation to reflect on what we learn about love by examining the life of Jesus. Love is a sanctifying work as we endeavor to become more like Love. Join us as we begin on Ash Wednesday, March 5, 2025.

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