We often have visions of bliss when we think about love but the truth is practicing love is not easy. While there are many facets, here are three reasons why practicing love is challenging: 1. Love is countercultural. There is a stark contrast between God’s view of...
Our deepest need is to be seen by other people; to really be seen and known by someone else. @BreneBrown Authenticity, transparency, vulnerability. To be seen, known, understood and valued. That’s the rich stuff love and deep human connection are made of. But we can’t...
Website Tutorial Library Use this library to guide you on the process you need to update, manage and maintain your website on your own. How to perform required site updates (important – do this regularly!) How to update the home page banner. How to...
Have you ever felt like you were thriving; calm and steady in the midst of challenge? I’m grateful to be in that state but I can admit it wasn’t always that way. The key for me has been a focus on nourishing my soul to embody peace. During 2018-19, I experienced...
Practicing love can be daunting when you’ve been hurt. A broken-heart. Unforgiveness. Fear. Distrust. Betrayal. While there are very real obstacles, we can identify and overcome the opposition to love. At times we feel like victims; at times we are the perpetrators....